Odelehr's Roadside Market
Odelehr's Roadside Market7127 Illinois River Rd.
Brussels, Illinois 62013
Odelehr's Roadside Market
Open year round, Odelehr's offers fresh strawberries, blueberries, red, black and yellow raspberries, peaches, apples, tomatoes, corn, pumpkins, squash, and garden produce. Pick up flowering bedding plants and hanging baskets for summer color around your home. Apple cider, mums, Indian corn and fall gourds greet you in autumn. With over 30 acres of pumpkins, you'll love the latest new colors of white, yellow and even blue pumpkins. Enjoy summers bounty anytime with colorful jars of peach, pineapple, apple and tomato salsa they make themselves. Their homemade beer horseradish mustard makes a great gift too.