Macoupin County Courthouse

Macoupin County Courthouse

201 E. Main St.
Carlinville, Illinois 62626

Have you ever been to the Macoupin County Courthouse? Nicknamed the “Million Dollar Courthouse” and opened in 1870, the notorious building is known for being the biggest instance of overspending in Illinois’ history. It was the largest courthouse in the country the year it opened with the possible exception of one courthouse in New York City.

The Renaissance Revival masterpiece was made with cast iron doors, staircases, window sills, and sashes, and the building is widely considered the first fireproof construction ever built in the United States. The exterior of the courthouse was constructed from gold-colored blocks of stone and a portico with 40-foot Corinthian columns. Inside, elaborate woodwork, including finely carved walnut seating, a judge bench of Italian marble, and ornately decorated rooms with arched doorways extravagantly show off just why the courthouse cost such a hefty price.
The price? Over 1.3 MILLION dollars- in the 1800s- 23.5 million dollars if built today! It took the citizens of Macoupin County 40 years to pay off the debt incurred and many lost their farms and homes from the taxes levied for its construction. In 1910, the city held a two-day jubilee to celebrate burning the last bond. Talk about a tough break!

So how did such a lavish courthouse come to reside in Carlinville? It’s believed the powers that be in Carlinville at the time decided to ‘go big’ with the belief Carlinville was in the running to become the state capital. The cost also may have been inflated by misappropriation- the Loomis House was constructed of limestone ‘left over’ from the courthouse project and there’s even a story about the county clerk boarding a train out of town one night in 1870, never to be seen again.

Whatever the ultimate cause, the Macoupin County Courthouse still stands as a beautiful, though cautionary, tale and is still in use as a courthouse today. You can even take a tour of the magnificent structure by emailing!